Club Meeting

Club Committee Meeting on the 10th August

Dining at the Radio Club on the 10th August

Please remember to book your seat for the Dining at the Keighley Radio Club night on Thursday 10th August 2023.

OrganiserS Gail or Sheila will take your orders on Thursday before.

The table at the club night will be booked for 19:00 prompt. This will be at The Old Silent Inn, Hob Lane, Stanbury, West Yorkshire, BD22 0HW.

Keighley Amateur Radio Society subs

Shirley M0KWS

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that the Keighley Amateur Radio Society subs were due on the 13th April 2023:

If you pay your subs before the next Committee Meeting (11th May 2023) it will be £10.00,
if you pay after that date you will be classed as a new member and therefore the fee will be £15.00.

We look forward to seeing you at one of the Club Meetings.

Best wishes,

(on behalf of the Keighley Amateur Radio Society Committee)

Airfields on The Air

Shirley M0KWS

The Keighley Radio Club will operating on Saturday 1st April for the carpack above Thornton Conduit

RAF Oxenhope Moor was a British Second World War radio station, located on Cock Hill Moor near the village of Oxenhope in Yorkshire. It was known by a number of different names, including Oxenhope Laboratory, Oxenhope Radar Station and Oxenhope Weather Station.

The station was built during the Second World War and was used as part of the GEE navigation system (started in March 1942) used to guide bombers to their targets in Europe. The station was maintained by the RAF as No. 585 Signals Unit until 1970.

RAF Airfields on the Air (AOTA)

Airfields on The Air (AOTA) RAFARS Event All Radio Amateur Stations World Wide are welcome to take part, and in particular RAFARS Members/ATC/Clubs are asked to take part to put on as many AOTA Stations as possible to make it a great success. The dates are the first week-end of April but the event can be put on any other times of the year.

Keighley Amateur Radio Society AGM Moved to the 13th April

Shirley M0KWS

The KARS & KEIGHLEY RAYNET AGM’s are scheduled to take place on Thursday 9th March at The Old Silent Inn, Stanbury has been moved to the13th April 2023 The KARS meeting will commence at 20:30 hrs followed immediately by the RAYNET AGM. Only fully paid up members will be permitted to attend. Please remember that your club sub are due after AGM

Dining with the Keighley Radio Club night

Shirley M0KWS

Please remember to book your seat for the Dining with the Keighley Radio Club night on Thursday 13th April 2023 in The Old Silent Inn, Hob Lane, Stanbury, BD22 0HW at 18:30 prompt at 18:30 prompt.

This will be followed by the Club & RAYNET AGM at The Old Silent Inn, Hob Lane, Stanbury, BD22 0HW.

  • *Dining is at 18:30 prompt.
  • *Orders will be taken on the 6th April
  • *This will be followed by the Club & RAYNET AGM

Dining with the Keighley Radio Club night

Shirley M0KWS

Please note that the Keighley Radio Club night on Thursday 9th March will now take place in The Old Silent Inn, Hob Lane, Stanbury, BD22 0HW. at 18:30 prompt.

This will be followed by the Club & RAYNET AGM at The Old Silent Inn, Hob Lane, Stanbury, BD22 0HW.

Email Mike G7HEN for more information

Keighley Radio Club special event station

Dining with the Keighley Radio Club night on Thursday 12th January

British Inland Waterways on The Air

KARS will be taking part in Biwota (British Inland Waterways on The Air) . The event takes place on the 27th – 29th August.
KARS will be stationed at the site of Halifax Sailing Club, Cold Edge Rd, Halifax HX2 7UA that same weekend..
All KARS members are encouraged to set up their radios or at least pay a visit and operate for a short time. Non Members are also welcome…Please come and have a go…….



Solstice Saunter

Hi Everyone

I am looking for Volunteers for the Solstice Saunter based at the Cavendish Pavilion Bolton Abbey from approx. 18.00 onwards on Tuesday 21 June , if you could check your calendars and see if you are available for it would be very much appreciated.

As usual the ops sheet will be sent out prior to the events. Times will be confirmed nearer the time.

Shirley Kendrick
Event Co-ordinator

Pubs & Clubs On The Air

Why not join us at The Flappit, Flappit Springs, Cullingworth, Keighley, BD21 5PU for Pubs And Clubs On the Air on Friday, Saturday and Sunday the 13th to the 15th of May 2022. We will be operating from around 10:00 until around 16:00.

To find out more about PACOTA, then follow the link:-

Organiser/Coordinator – Joe Karkoszka G0RLY and Stuart Mann G6NTI
Location – The Flappit, Flappit Springs, Cullingworth, Keighley, BD21 5PU.

Pubs & Clubs On The Air – PACOTA

Pubs & Clubs On The Air May 13th/14th/15th 2022

The fairly recent wave of “OTA” events, be it Summits, Museums, Railways, Churches, Mills, JOTA etc, seems to be a good way of spreading the word of Amateur Radio to the general public, and hopefully increasing our numbers.

As well as increasing Amateur numbers it may help to attract more regulars, something everyone in this trade would probably welcome. The event took place in May 2018. Six Stations took part, this year we added to that list with 10 stations taking part.

Organiser/Coordinator –
Joe Karkoszka G0RLY and Stuart Mann G6NTI

Location –
The Flappit, Flappit Springs, Cullingworth, Keighley, BD21 5PU.